Chats in Common and Jump to Date

Chats in common
Sometimes all you remember about a chat is the name of the friend or colleague who also participated in the discussion. For such cases, we added a Chats in common feature to the TamTam web version. Open a chat with a person, then tap on the “i” button.

Chats in common will show the entire list of chats which you share with a person. Chats will be sorted by last message date, newest to oldest. Click on the desired chat to quickly jump to it.
TamTam displays only shared chats. This feature is not available for channels, as only channel administrators see the list of channel members.
Jump to date
TamTam web got navigation by date in chats and channels. Use it to view or search for messages for a specific period.

If you click on any date in a chat or channel, the calendar will appear. Days on which messages were sent will be highlighted, so you can quickly jump to them. Clicking on a date will open the first post for that day. And if there were no messages on the selected day, TamTam will go to the message closest to the desired date.
So far, chats in common and jump to date features are only available in the web version of TamTam, but we plan to add it to mobile apps as well.
If you still have questions about the new features or if you want to share your feedback, text TamTam Support Team.